FTP Agent


An FTP agent encapsulates the connection details to a single instance of an FTP server (FTP and FTPS).

Operational Considerations

Operations reliant on the FTP agent will not function as expected if the agent is not configured correctly. The following should be considered when configuring this agent:

  • Which transport types are supported or required by the target FTP instances
  • Connection time-out limits of the target server
  • Access privileges of the user connection details
WARNING: At this time, the FTP agent does not not support Write operations.


The FTP agent is used by the following connectors:


In addition to the common agent configuration shared by all agents, the FTP agent requires the following by way of configuration:

Uri The uri describing the location of the server. This should be an ftp uri in the format of:


Credentials The type of credential to be used when connecting to the FTP server.
Account Name

Only required when Credentials is Custom

The account name used to authenticate against the FTP server.


Only required when Credentials is Custom

The password corresponding to the given account name.

Proxy Whether or not to use a proxy. In the case of the FTP agent, the default is no proxy.
Proxy Uri

Only required when Proxy is Custom

The uri describing the location of the proxy server.

Credentials (Proxy)

Only required when Proxy is Custom

The credentials to be supplied when communicating with the defined proxy server.

Keep Alive Whether the connection should be kept alive. This is suggested for implementations with a high volume of activity (specifically exports).
Ignore Certificate Errors Whether certificate errors can be ignored, or whether the operation should fail out.
Preauthenticate Only supplied for other web request operations, this is not used in FTP requests.
Use Default Timeout Whether to use the default timeout defined for FTP connections, or to define your own.

Only required when Use Default Timeout is not set.

The time-out to be applied after which the connection will be closed.

SSL Whether to enable SSL on the client side (FTPS) - whether this is required / possible will depend entirely on the configuration of the target FTP server.
Passive Mode Whether the server is expecting the Passive FTP mode or Active FTP mode.
Use Binary Whether to communicate with the server through binary messages.
Read-write time-out The time-out after which the connection will be severed between read and write operations.

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Is there any plans to include SFTP? Got a client that is using SFTP. This is not a typo I'm not asking for FTPS i can see it supports it.