Installing UNIFYBroker/Plus


Installation of UNIFYBroker/Plus is as easy and simple as running the UNIFYBroker Plus.msi installer package. This installer contains everything required for an installation of UNIFYBroker/Plus with the exception of UNIFYBroker itself, which must be installed separately.

Installing UNIFYBroker/Plus

Installation from the desktop

To begin installation, locate and run the UNIFYBroker Plus.msi installation package from either Windows Explorer or through command prompt.

The title screen of the installation wizard will be shown.

Image 4574

Read and accept the UNIFY Software License Agreement.

Image 4575

Select either a Standard installation for both service and web files, or IIS installation for web files only.

Image 4576

Configure database settings. If you wish for the installer to attempt to add UNIFYBroker/Plus database components to an existing Identity Broker database, select the Attempt upgrade option and enter the required details - the location and name of the SQL server instance and the name of the database to update. If you wish to update the database manually, select the Manual Install option and see Manually Upgrading the UNIFYBroker/Plus Database.

Image 4577

Select the installation location of UNIFYBroker. The default installation directory is:

C:\Program Files\UNIFY Solutions\Identity Broker\

Image 4578

Begin the installation when ready.

Image 4580

A progress bar will appear showing the progress of the installation. Wait until the installation process is complete.

Image 4581

The installation has completed successfully. Click finish to close the installation window.

Image 4583

UNIFYBroker/Plus has now been installed. Restart the UNIFYBroker service now.

Unattended Installation

An unattended installation may be performed by using the msiexec.exe command and supplying the installer package as the parameter:

msiexec.exe /qn /i "%Installer Directory%\UNIFYBroker Plus.msi" ADDLOCAL=Service,Web

Alternatively, to perform a database upgrade during installation:

msiexec.exe /qn /i "%Installer Directory%\UNIFYBroker Plus.msi" DATABASE_TYPE="UPGRADE" SQL_SERVER="localhost" SQL_DATABASE="Unify.IdentityBroker" ADDLOCAL=Service,Web



Option value

ADDLOCAL The comma-separated list of installation types to install. Service,Web,IIS_Web
DATABASE_TYPE Whether the database should be skipped (manual); installed; or upgraded. MANUAL, UPGRADE
SQL_SERVER The name of the SQL server hosting the Identity Broker database.
SQL_INSTANCE The instance name of of the database server. Leave blank for a default instance.
SQL_DATABASE The name of the database, for example Unify.IdentityBroker

Uninstalling UNIFYBroker/Plus

UNIFYBroker/Plus can be uninstalled by finding the component in Programs and Features and selecting the Uninstall option.

Image 4584

Verifying Installation

Once UNIFYBroker/Plus has been installed successfully and the UNIFYBroker service has been restarted, the installation can be verified by logging onto the UNIFYBroker web interface. If correctly installed, Link and Locker menu items will be present in the top navigation menu, as well as new categories on the home page for Recent Links and Recent Lockers.

Image 4585

If the above steps did not work:

Identifying the UNIFYBroker/Plus version

The UNIFYBroker/Plus version can be confirmed by navigating to the About tab and looking at the version numbers there within:

Image 4586


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