Microsoft SharePoint List Connector


Microsoft SharePoint List Connector facilitates the reading, writing and deleting of list items from Microsoft SharePoint 2007, 2010 and 2013.

Technical Requirements

The list connector requires proper access to the SharePoint List Web Service.


The Microsoft SharePoint List Connector encapsulates data available in one list in a SharePoint.

This connector utilizes the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Agent.

Reading Yes
Writing Yes
Deleting Yes
Polling Yes

Polling works against SharePoint 2013 and 2010, but not against MOSS 2007 (due to the nature of the 2007 web service). However, the connector will still require similar configuration in order to operate.


Fields in a SharePoint list connector schema refer to individual list fields of the same name.

The schema provider for this connector will retrieve all known list fields and map their names, value types, read-only, required and key settings.

There is a fixed schema field of ID, which represents the Record Id of the list item. This should be the only key field in the connector.

Microsoft SharePoint lists require planning and a careful design to ensure optimal performance. This must be done prior to populating the list, as some settings cannot be changed once a threshold has been reached. Please see  Designing large lists and maximizing list performance.

Image 4229


Microsoft SharePoint List Connector connector maintains the following configuration:

Image 4230

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