
Event Broker Errors (DEV)

Tomasz Zukowski 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 6

We are experiencing the following Event Broker errors in a customers DEV environment:

EB: v3.2.1 Revision #3

Operation faulted: The HTTP service located at http://wlgmimsynprod01:59990/IdentityBroker/ChangesAvailable.svc is unavailable. This could be because the service is too busy or because no endpoint was found listening at the specified address. Please ensure that the address is correct and try accessing the service again later. - Please see the log viewer for more details.


Management Agent: Active Directory Privileged User MA - Run Profile: Delta Import and Delta Sync

Operation faulted: Operation for management agent with id ffebd54f-016c-4acd-80ac-3b0e62e8fbe5 with name Delta Import and Delta Sync failed with result call-failure:0x8023063D - Please see the log viewer for more details.


Operation fee47c32-7550-4f72-a7d4-918dc2aa2e4e failed in operation list with id f1e97e4c-2a12-4b37-9cf5-02a5225f1678 for the following reason. This is retry number 0: System.ServiceModel.ServerTooBusyException: The HTTP service located at http://wlgmimsynprod01:59990/IdentityBroker/ChangesAvailable.svc is unavailable. This could be because the service is too busy or because no endpoint was found listening at the specified address. Please ensure that the address is correct and try accessing the service again later. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory`1.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.WaitForReply(TimeSpan timeout)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Server stack trace:
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelUtilities.ProcessGetResponseWebException(WebException webException, HttpWebRequest request, HttpAbortReason abortReason)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory`1.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.WaitForReply(TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.RequestChannelBinder.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
at Unify.Product.EventBroker.IdentityBrokerChanges.IChangesAvailableCollector.ChangesAvailable(Guid adapterId)
at Unify.Product.EventBroker.IdentityBroker41ChangesCommunicator.ChangesAvailable(Guid adapterId)
at Unify.Product.EventBroker.IdentityBroker41ChangesPlugIn.Check()
at Unify.Product.EventBroker.OperationListExecutorBase.RunCheck(ICheckOperationFactoryInformation checkOperation)

Thank you



No response from Aneesh.

Under review

This appears to be two separate issues:

  1. The same issue you're seeing in the other environments (the MIM error code);
  2. The Identity Broker service not running at the time that the check operation is run.

I'll consider only the second as you have an answer for the first.

What is the observed behaviour?

  • Is Identity Broker running at the time of the error?
  • Is the error intermittent?
  • Do any Identity Broker checks succeed?

Hi Tomasz,

Has this been resolved? What were the resolution steps?


I'm afraid I can't comment as I have not been at Meridian for a while.

When next Aneesh or I go on-site we will follow up on this issue.

Hi Adam,

I am afraid I am unable to comment on this, as I have not been on-site since the project ended. I believe Aneesh will be returning to Meridian for other work shortly, perhaps he can comment on the status of this ticket.


No response from Aneesh.