MIM Event Broker Forum

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Update EventBroker images to reference Framework

Tony Sheehy 12 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Update the images used in EB to be references to Framework web.


Operation names missing

Adam van Vliet 12 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

The operation names are missing. See attached screenshot.


Oracle database change detection

Ryan Crossingham 12 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 7

I was speaking to Bob during the week regarding Oracle DB change detection for Event Broker. He told me that currently the only way to to achieve this is by using SQL link on the Oracle server to present the Oracle DB similar to MS SQL.

Are we able to look into Oracle database change detection?


Portal Workflow scripts reference hard-coded assembly names.

Tony Sheehy 11 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

The scripts used to install the FIM Portal workflow maintain hardcoded references to workflow assemblies.


Check boxes not persisting in EB Agents/Operations index pages

Tony Sheehy 11 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

The check boxes aren't persisting; they may not have been updated to use the cache correctly.


Maintainability of agent factory name references needs to be revisite

Tony Sheehy 11 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Due to the architecture of the agents, and the UI parts for agents, there are multiple usages of Agents names throughout various dictionaries and views.

This is going end up being unmaintainable, e.g. there are 23 different references to the IDB Agent alone.

The actual fix is to have pluggable views, depending on the scope of agents, but in the interim this can at least be cleaned up.


Listen operation is not detached correctly

Adam van Vliet 11 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

After deleting an operation list that contains a listen operation, every 30 seconds the following message appears:

14/03/2013 5:36:53 AM   Error   Operations      FIM Event Broker        The operation list with id ac850de8-6c4d-48f6-8dcb-050e858f3920 does not exist.

Modify default baseline on start-up setting

Tony Sheehy 11 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

The default configuration is to baseline on start-up; however irrespective of whether this is the correct configuration, it is a dangerous setting for the edge cases where it is incorrect.

To avoid users "clicking through" and accidentally setting up EB to baseline the solution on start-up this should default to false.


Listen operation runs check operation on encountered changes.

Tony Sheehy 11 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

The listen operation runs check operation on encountered changes, it should only run the tree.


View Operation configuration while operation list is active

Richard Courtenay 11 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Currently you can not view the configuration of an operation without pausing the operation list that the operation is a part of. In a production environment, for some clients pausing operation lists is a task that needs approval from clients which may encourage consultants to review the configuration by opening the XML configuration.

It would be ideal if a read-only view of an operation was visible so that the configuration of an operation can be reviewed without the need to pause the operation list or to access the config via the XML config files.